Kombucha Buzz/My Boat/Canon EF


photo M3
i’m getting everybody on the kombucha buzz!!!! matsu got hooked 2 days ago, and today, Takahashi-san got a taste of it and liked it. my healthy power drink that i hope somebody can help me find in japan. it would be a dream to be able to wake up every morning in japan and drink some kombucha. anyway, had super fun surfing with Takahashi-san today. good waves, no crowd!
photo 11
early this morning my brother was outside hooking my boat up to his car. they were going to the kaneohe sandbar and today was probably the best day of the year for that. matsu and miwa-san got lucky and jumped on the boat. gosh, it must have been beautiful out there.
i call miwa-san at 2pm. then 3pm. nobody answered. i knew they were having fun. then i passed by kaneohe boat harbor and seeing my boat coming in with sunburned smiles. was i jealous? yes i was…..
photo a1
came home last week and seen this box in front of my door. yeah! my new lens!!!
photo a3
when i first started shooting, i use to wait at home for my new equipment. it’s been a week now and i haven’t even had time to open the box. but i’ll be taking it to japan with me so be ready for some crazy surfing photos. another typhoon heading to japan now. i’m starting to get excited!
