wanted to say hello to cassidy from kaiser high. cool board your boyfriend made for you. rip it up girl!!
speaking of cool. i seen a board in kame-san’s car the other day and it caught my eye. remember those twin plastic fins? if your new to bodyboarding, you probably haven’t seen it before. but if your old school like me, these would look familiar. i had these plastic fins on my moray boogie board when i was a kid. it’s probably a collectors item….
and once again, congratulations to nao-chan for winning the jr. pro the other day. the next carissa moore of japan???
and last, hard reef bar in okinawa has been in business for almost 30 years. in fact, next year will be their 30th year anniversary. seiji-san, an artist out of okinawa painted this on the wall. this painting is my all time favorite and if i ever open a bar, restaurant, or office, i would beg seiji-san to paint this on the wall. this painting makes me happy to see all the happy faces. i love this painting so much that i had to get a photo with me in it. could you tell? haha… anyway, i’ve been hearing a rumor that there’s going to be a huge 30th anniversary party at hard reef next year and i hope i’ll be there….. cheers to the boys down there in okinawa[:?????????:][:?????????:][:?????????:]