this is the most prized fish in the ocean. it’s called a coral trout and you can eat this fish any way you want. sashimi, nitsuke, fried, it’s all good. so when i seen this fish 50′ down, i had to get him….
then we got back to hokulea and satoru-san and the staff prepared us the ultimate sashimi platter…. oh my gosh!!!
and when you enjoy it with friends over some beers, it taste even better. hayato, naoka, youichi-san, takahashi-san, kazubo-san, kimura-san, kinsan, and the bb girls. it’s times like this that make diving worth the while….
and wanted to say hello to kelia moniz fans. these 2 girls walked up to me in hard reef and the first thing they asked was “when is kelia coming to japan?” that’s a really good question…. i don’t kelia realizes how many fans she has spread out all over japan. but if she does come to japan, i want her to experience okinawa. the mensore spirit!!!