Perfect Dimsum, Wonderful Weather, Day Off!


i had fun surfing this morning with this nice couple. Akihiro-san and Naomi-san just started surfing a few years ago. today they got really lucky because the waves were perfect, long, and empty. surfed for over 2 hours and had a lot of fun! in surfers language, we say “SCORE!!!”
then we went to china town to my secret dimsum restaurant. the best in hawaii and i still refuse to tell anyone where it is. the okayu is a must!
ever tried this? put the whole thing in your mouth and when you bite it, the juices flow and make your mouth water. so delicious!!!
and i don’t leave there without eating this. the sesame seed balls with anko inside. my mouth is watering again now!!!!
and hey, the weather has been perfect! after sweating so much in hot humid japan with my stinky body, it feels good to smell good all day long with the cool tradewinds. i didn’t realize how perfect our weather has been here. it’s unbelievable! been surfing all day everyday since i got back. tomorrow is my first day off in a long while. what am i going to do? relax, exercise, computer work, phone calls, and other things i’ve been putting off for the past few months. goodbye day off. haha.
