Huli Huli Chicken/Sari Sari/Hale Kulani/Below Sea


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have you ever tried huli huli chicken before? well, usually on weekends, you can smell it from a mile away. this finest bbq chicken on the island. just go home and eat it with some hot rice. so good and so cheap!
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try it and i’m sure you will like it.
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have you ever tried sari sari before? i found the best sari sari on the island yesterday. at $9.50, you will definitely come back for more. only served on thursdays so mark your calendar. where is it? can’t tell you.
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was at the halekulani hotel last night having a few drinks at the lounge. if you’re looking for the best hotel service in the world, go to the halekulani. the valet service is top quality. most of those guys are my friends and they know how to take care of customers. always smiling, always greeting, and always making sure everybody is happy. i’m always happy leaving there and i know my car is as safe as can be. thank you to all the valet boys for taking care of me all these years. you guys are the best!
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in hawaii, we measure the size of waves from the back. so if you asked me how big it was on typhoon 9 in japan, i would have to say 2′. 2′ from the back but if you measured it from the front, i would be 6′. the wave at this secret river mouth sucked up so much that i was breaking below sea level. matsu took this photo of me from the parking lot which is way above sea level. and you still can’t see the bottom of the wave. the whole ocean energy wave dumping on a shallow sand bar makes for big ass barrels. some people say where this is, some people write the name of this spot on their blogs, some people have big mouths. as for me, this spot is a secret and will always be a secret kept within myself. it’s my favorite spot in the world and if you ever got barreled out there, you would know why. waves like this don’t happen too often and when it does, there is no other place in the world i’d rather be. i have a full gallery taken by matsu from this day but instead of posting it, i will delete all photos. it’s just too good to share with the world. sorry.
