島人ぬ宝 Okinawa Shimanchu Nu Takara by Begin


good morning. wow, these past 2 days were cool! got to surf perfect waves with not too many people around. lucky we scored yesterday. i was with Fujiki-san and i saw him catch so many perfect rights at bowls. it was uncrowded, it was sunny, it was perfect, and it was a great day in hawaii. today, the same thing. i’m surfing with my friends and i’m sure there will be a lot of laughing in the ocean. have a wonderful sunday!

it seem so long since i went to okinawa. but in 12 days, i’ll be there! got lots of catching up to do with my friends. as for the waves, i don’t really care if it’s good or not. i want to enjoy okinawa whether surfing or diving. i can’t wait!!!!
on this special trip, i took some photos and put together a slide show of my friends in okinawa. as i look back at this wonderful time, i can’t believe how fast time flies. shimanch nu takara is the song by begin. one of my all time favorite songs. if i hear it, i’m happy! simple. enjoy this slide show of the warm hearts of okinawa. watch till the end for some classic okinawa party night. haha.
