Welcome to U.S? Mushroom? Fatbat?


waves fun, weathers great, and lots of aloha. i’m so happy to be back home!!!! been busy but i love every minute. the endless summer continues.
photo 1
if my grandparents didn’t talk to me about Mt. Fuji every sunday for half my life, i wouldn’t be so amazed by it. to keep on hearing about their wonderful experience climbing to the top, Mt. Fuji always had a place in my heart. so every chance i get, i just stare and think about my grandparents. it’s a really happy moment for me and i’m sure my grandma is looking down on me enjoying the view too. it’s our magic mountain.
photo 2
every time i come back to hawaii, i see this sign. and every time i see this sign, i think to myself that they should change it. welcome to the united states? what about “WELCOME TO HAWAII.” sounds better yeah? but anyway, it’s always good to be back home. i love hawaii. opps, i mean, i love the united states.
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what was today? tuesday! straight to Andy’s for lunch. my special mushroom chicken plate! love every bite of it.
photo 4
i had a super fun 3 hour surf session with Kanehara-san today. she came straight off the airplane from japan. i picked her up from her hotel shortly after and we paddled out for an amazing session. just a few surfers and we had a big space all to ourselves. i’m sure she caught 10 of the longest waves of her life today. i got my magic Fat Bat made by TSSC that will give anybody the ride of their life. that board works so good and i’m stoked to share it with everybody. Kanehara-san, i enjoyed our session and shave ice today. you surfed really well and i’m surprised how much energy you have. keep on surfing and keep on smiling. hope you enjoy the rest of your trip in hawaii. and tell your sisters i said hello!
