Wonderful World!


no job is more rewarding than mine. to see so many happy smiles on peoples faces after they caught a wave is the best. i remember all my best waves i caught in japan and i remember how happy i was, and still am. so giving people a great experience is my main focus. i want each and every person i surf with to smile, remember, and take the memory back to japan. whether it is their best wave, longest wave, or worst wipeout. i just want to create a memory that will last a lifetime. so waking up in the morning not knowing who i will meet today is pure excitement for me.
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the Nomura-san couple are so cool. crazy things happened early this morning and i almost couldn’t find them. but when i did, we laughed, and we surfed. shit happens in life and when it does, you just have to jump in the ocean and everything becomes a part of the past. i had a great time surfing with them. the smiles will never be forgotten. and neither will be the long rides we had all morning long.
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then Saito-san and i did a power session this evening. we surfed so long and caught so many waves. great long riding again! i was stoked to have met some awesome surfers today. and i’m sure we will meet again!
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it’s good to see our golden sunsets every evening. as i’m driving home, i’m thinking to myself what a wonderful world we live in. i live the surfers lifestyle and won’t trade it for anything. surfing my dream is what i’m doing. good night.
