The Moniz Brothers Blog


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i was driving through waikiki yesterday and a particular poster popped out. i looked good and guess what? it was my nephew Seth Moniz in a tube!!!! hanging on the main window of the billabong shop in waikiki. so you have kelia on the quiksilver windows, and seth on the billabong windows. the moniz kids are taking over this world, and also waikiki! now i love to drive down kalakawa avenue seeing my family success!
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close up of seth. who taught seth how to make calm and cool faces in the barrel? me! haha. we went to bali a few years ago and fixed that. let me dig into my iphoto and show you what his barrel face use to be like. haha. it was classic! but now, cool! good job boy!
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big news on The Moniz Brothers. they are building an upcoming blog on WWW.GO-NAMINORI.COM. stay tuned!
