Jump! Menehune! Mentaiko!


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ever since i got back to hawaii, the weather has been weird in the morning. rain, clouds, and kind of dark. then today, the real hawaiian morning sun shined! it was sunny all morning and all afternoon. a picture perfect day!
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after i surfed with Ikezawa-san, we went for a drive around half of the island. we stopped at waimanalo beach park to feel the breeze! nobody was there. it was just the white sand, emerald water, and cool tradewinds. makes you just want to jump! Ikezawa-san, i had fun surfing and sightseeing with you. see you tomorrow for a morning surf followed by a sweet desert tour.
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this is one of my favorite lookouts in the world. everything in one picture. you just can’t beat it!
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since the last time i went up there, somebody placed stacks of rocks all over the place. did the menehune’s come back? cool!
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i got a great treat last night from Inaida-san and Yuki-san. Omentaiko!!!! i love it! it went really well with my breakfast. thank you and welcome back to hawaii. good surfing today! see you tomorrow!
