Secret HAWAII: Sweet Home Cafe


i’ve been going to this taiwan nabe place in hawaii since they opened. i’ve kept it a secret because it started to get crowded. then the past few times i went, it was out of control! the line outside is crazy! so now that everybody knows where this is, i will tell you the name. SWEET HOME CAFE.
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good luck getting a seat. there is a special way to go down at the right timing. our waiting time is about 10 minutes or 1 beer in the parking lot. can’t tell you when. and if you mis time it, you will end up waiting for over 2 hours. but is it worth the wait? yes sir!
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you pre order the soup base, then go to the refrig to grab what every your heart pleases. lots of sauces to choose from, and free chinese parsley and green onions. yummy!
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the “Healthier” soup base is the best and my favorite. you just can’t stop eating!
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we tried the curry base last night. pretty good for one bowl, but that’s about it. order the “healthy” and “spicy” soup bases and you can’t go wrong.
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then to wash everything down, you get served a free taiwan special shave ice. this is winner! average price per head is $15-20 including tip. BYOB means bring your own beverage.
Sweet Home Cafe
2334 S King St
Honolulu, HI 96826
(808) 947-3707
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and last, i’m so happy to walk into quiksilver or roxy stores around the world and see my beautiful niece Kelia Moniz all over in and out of the store. her presence is just amazing. i saw a little girl staring at Kelia’s poster and probably dreaming the same thing Kelia dreamed 8 years ago, which was “I want to be a Roxy Girl someday!” just in this little corner of the ward quiksilver store, kelia’s in 3 ads. Go-Kelia! FOLLOW HER IN TAHITI!
