the maitai bar on the 3rd floor of ala moana shopping center is one of the busiest night spots on oahu. happy our is pretty much all night and pitchers of beer cost $8. i use to go there every weekend when i was in college and have some great memories. and with all the drunk people walking around in that crowded bar, i remember the floor always being wet with beer. yeah, beer all over place from people dancing with full pitchers in their hands.
see that circle? there was beer on the floor and guess what? somebody slipped and fell. that’s a “no no” in america. the guy got hurt, the guy sued the maitai bar and won a $2M settlement. yeah, $2,000,000!!!! welcome to america! if you own a business in america, you better make sure the floors are clean and dry.
7 years ago i was walking on the streets in tokushima, shikoku. there was a huge festival called the “Awadori” and i was right in the middle. i put on my headband, i had a beer in both hands, and i danced till morning. it was japanese culture at its best.
who ever created this ad is a genius!!!! makes me want to drive into that tunnel!