

good morning. been surfing at least 5 hours/day. super burnt out but the waves have been awesome! perfect size, perfect wind, and perfect weather. everybody surfing with smiles and i’m stoked just to be in the water. what’s happening in japan? big typhoon bearing down on okinawa. i wish everybody safety! but i know my surfer friends will be searching for the biggest ridable wave. gosh, i wish i were there! got 4 more days in hawaii so better get back to work. once i jump on the plane, i’ll be on a much needed vacation. can’t wait!
i look at photos like this and smile. there is so much behind just this photo. i met Kosei-san (on the harley) from an email. then we took 2 trips together to the mentawai, and 2 trips to our ONE missions. then Seigo-san (with the shaka) i met from kimura-san. owner of famous ramen in wakayama, to surf trip to hawaii, to our ONE mission. then Matsu (blue shirt) my first real japanese friend from 22 years ago. and also the man behind our ONE missions. all three of these guys from different parts of life but all are in the same place now. sharing experiences, sharing smiles, sharing stories, and sharing friendship. the link between the friends i have can’t be broken. when i was in high school, i’d be jealous of a photo like this because i wasn’t there. but now i look at this and thank go-naminori for this wonderful connection. i’m happy that our world is getting bigger and brighter. without the friends i have in this world, i’d be nothing. and if my friends can keep the positive vibe alive, that’s all i want. spread the aloha boys! see you soon!
matsu is the best photographer ever. super professional and super talented. i said this after mission 4. if our group got together to form a company, we will be the most successful business in the world. why? because we all have passion! and we all surf!
now where are they? Naohiro with Takami-san and Toda-san on Mt. Fuji? keep on connecting boys!
and Matsu there too? i look at this photo and shake my head? why? because i freakin climbed to the top! will i do it again? no way!
anyway, these are my friends. this is my dream. and if i can connect more and more people to the wonderful world i live in, climb aboard! we have only just begun.
all photos by naohiro kimura @ Yamari
