Birthday for ONE!


when ever people ask me about tohoku, i try to be open and tell them what i saw and who i met. there are several special people that have touched my heart, and touched others around me. one of them is Kiku-chan. it was by freak chance that our roads crossed. and here we are today as ONE. so when i heard Kiku-chan was coming to hawaii, i was so happy and couldn’t wait for this day to come. we surfed, we ate, we shopped, we ate again, and we laughed. Kiku-chan saw the shy side of me as we did our missions in sendai, but now that we’re in hawaii, nothing can stop me from being the crazy person i am. haha. welcome to hawaii!
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and so happen, today is Kiku-chan’s birthday! i’m so happy to be able to share it with her. and i was so happy that ONE volunteers and supporters got to share this special moment too. we had so much fun last night. good food, good people, good vibe, and good friends. Happy Birthday Kiku-chan!
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this is my favorite chinese restaurant near my house. everything is so good and when you see the bill, you wouldn’t believe how cheap it is. cheap and good? surfers love that! had fun with Kiku-chan, Mayumi-san, Maki-san, Maki-chan, Reid, Yuko-chan, and Daisuke! thanks for the great time!
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then all the way in shizuoka, toda-san, takami-san, and matsu were eating cake celebrating Kiku-chan’s birthday too. no matter where we are, we are all connected. and We Are One! what a wonderful day it was!
