Temple Party


good morning. everyday has been so busy. but good busy. yesterday, we hung out at yamari and watched the whole production of shirasu in the making. everybody was so excited!!! and loved it!!! but nobody loved it more than me. the boats, the food, the diving, and the laughter….

hayato is just as curious as me when it comes to fish. we just want to know everything. kimura-san taught us a lot about shirasu yesterday. i think we spent our whole morning down at the fishing port….

kimura-san is famous now!! he has 17 new fans from hawaii. there was a long line waiting for his autograph. i thought that was pretty cool….

kyle, james, hayato, waka-san, and i went for a 20 minute oyster picking session. the water was so dirty and i couldn’t even see my hand in front of me. but when your determined to bring home dinner, we make it happen. we took this up to yuke-san’s house at negoro temple and ate it along with the feast kyoko-san cooked for us. it was one of the most incredible dinner experiences i ever had. and i think everybody feels the same way. we had a great time and took so many photos. thank you so much yuke-san and kyoko-san for the unforgettable experience…..
**well, i’m off to okinawa today. am i excited? yes!!! i can’t wait to get back to paradise. blue water, friends, and warm hearts. see you all there soon. mensore!!!
