Two Groms in Hawaii Interview….


good windy sunday evening. gosh, feels like hurricane winds everyday recently. i love it but kind of feel sorry for the tourists. hawaii is really a beautiful place. just not this past 20 days. the waves were small and out of the north so only spots like laniakea and ehukai beach park were breaking. no swells on the way and the strong winds will be with us for a few more days. heard from a lot of people that most of the pro surfers are out of here dec. 20th. that means more waves for us. i’m looking forward to that…. but for now, just got to be patient a little while more. oh, just wanted to say something. recently there have been some freaky car accidents here. people are dying and innocent people are getting hurt. please be careful while you drive and always be alert. the winds and rain isn’t making it any better. but be safe and enjoy the holiday season…. good night…
***sat down with the two groms and had them introduce themselves. they were kind of shy but i told them that if they keep up the way their surfing, more interviews will surely come their way. in other words, let’s practice. so here is their first interview from Hawaii and this is what they had to say….

Hello, My name is Shun Murakami. I am 10 years old and from Japan. The thing I like most about surfing is when I catch a wave and can hit the lip. It feels so good. This is my first time to Hawaii. I like Hawaii because there are waves everyday. I surfed V-Land, Haleiwa, Jacko’s, Laniakea, Ehukai, and Kewalo’s. My favorite spot is V-Land because I got a backside tube. My dream is to become a WCT pro surfer. I’m going to practice hard, surf everyday, and do my best. I’m in Hawaii for 10 more days so I want to catch a lot of waves. To my sponsors in Japan and to my family and friends in Yugawara, your going to be surprised on how good my surfing got from coming to Hawaii. Thank you. Bye bye.

Hello, My name is Ryota Matsushita. I am 11 years old and in the 5th grade. I’m from Yugawara City in Kanagawa Prefecture. I’ve been on a surf trip to Bali before but this is my first time to Hawaii. When I got here, I was so surprised on how beautiful Hawaii is. And the rainbows are so nice. The waves in Hawaii are much better than Japan. There is more power and you can get so much speed. Since I got here, my favorite spot is Laniakea because i caught a long wave from deep all the way through. It felt so good and it was so fun. My dream is to become a pro surfer and enter a lot of contests. And of course, WIN!! While I’m in Hawaii, I think my surfing is going to get a lot better before I go back to Japan. I have a question to my friends in Yugawara. “Hey, Is there any waves in Yoshihama now?” See you soon, Bye bye…
