so happy to see the “We Are One” market in Kitakami becoming a reality! i’m just lost for words when i think about the time and effort put in by Naomi-san and the others that are involved in this huge project. from seeing that area totally wiped out, then to see a small temporary store built, and now a huge building that will provide food for the people in the shelters, and a safe place for the kids to play after school and on the weekends. unless you’ve actually been there, it’s hard to take it all in. in fact, the feelings and emotions are all coming back as i write this. everybody tells me that i’m a changed person. some think in a good way, some think in a bad way. yeah, i get teased. what ever. the little things don’t bother me anymore. people talking bad about me don’t bother me anymore. nothing bothers me anymore. i seldom complain, i work harder than ever. and every time i start feeling down, i think about all the strong and kind people i’ve met since 3/11. my life has definitely changed. i finally can express my feelings. i finally can feel what others are feeling. and the way i feel when i see progress and happy faces from the people in tohoku, it puts a smile both on my face, and in my heart. it’s such a wonderful feeling.
well, this was the model. yeah, when i first saw this, i was like OMG!!!
professionally designed by amazing architects.
in japan, they have ceremonies for building projects. this is culture. someday i wish to know the whole meaning of these ceremonies.
look at this! amazing! it’s actually getting built! there is still no stores for miles away. the temporary housing is right up the street and the thousands of people will have a place to buy daily necessities, and a place to gather.
the love and strength behind this project goes deep. i think about Naomi-san and her family everyday. if there is a superwomen in this world, it’s Naomi-san. i really respect her.
the first time i went to tohoku after 3/11, nobody was smiling. it was so sad for me. i came home after and had to lock myself in the room to let my emotions out. it hurt me so much to see what i saw. then every time i went back, i’d see a smile here, and a smile there. then the sorrow turned to happiness. every time i see a kid smile, it makes me tear. japan is rebuilding and these kids are the future!
gosh, i can’t wait to go back there in december! it will probably be freezing cold, but i’m sure everybody’s hearts will keep us warm. see you soon Naomi-san! WE ARE ONE!
Architecture for Humanity is a NPO founded in 1999. They have more than 50,000 professionals that volunteer their time and expertise to help places where are most needed around the world. I’m not sure how they found Kitakami, but they found the right place for sure! It’s NPO’s like this that make peoples dreams come true. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
