Cheap Stay: Airport Lounge


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i swear i couldn’t have picked the worst time to be traveling. thanksgiving is coming up and it’s the busiest time of the travel season for america. and where am i? in america! omg, the crowds, the long lines, the anger, the stress, the rushing, and the yelling. i’ve seen it all in this past 2 days. luckily i’m staying calm throughout all the hassle of getting to south america. yes, 2 overnight red eye flights, 2 daytime flights, 14 hours waiting at airports, not including this 10 hour wait at now in atlanta. and i’m not even half way there yet. but i’m learning a lot backpacking through our airports. i’m learning how to be calm, i’m learning how to be patient, and i’m learning how to become a better traveler. after this trip is done, i’ll be a professional at getting around america at the busiest time of the year. some people are still stuck in honolulu, not me. i’m moving forward little by little. more like a turtle pace. but loving every minute.
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LAX and DTW airports are HUGE!!! from running to one sold out flight to another, if i was slow, i’d still be stuck in LA. my backpack is pretty heavy so it’s keeping me in shape after all the hamburgers i’ve been eating.
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i knew i was coming on this trip so 3 months ago, i signed up for a american express delta gold card. with it, you can get into any lounge around the world for only $25. this includes free wifi, free food, free open bar, free shower, and free sofa. why leave the airport and get a hotel when you have it all right in front of you.
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this was LAX, my first shower in 2 days. now i’m sitting in the atlanta lounge relaxing. the bar looks tempting but i’m still holding off. i just don’t think alcohol, running, no sleep, and constant thinking goes good together.
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detroit was freezing! now i really know i’m not a cold weather guy.
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this is america fog and this happens a lot. i can’t believe the airplane even took off. kind of scary not being able to see anything.
anyway, 9 more hours of waiting. maybe i’ll go out to get a book. hope to reach south america by tomorrow. if i can’t, don’t be surprised if i go to india. haha.
