Argentina Day 1


i get off the airplane after a long 10 hour flight. tired and jet lag, i change some money into pesos. taking a cab is the easy way to i jumped in a bus and headed to the big city. i get off, look around, find a place to stay, drop off my bags, eat lunch, and head back to my backpackers hostel. it’s only 2pm and i feel like it’s midnight. take a nap? i’ll probably never wake up. stay up? i’ll be a zombie. the difficult choices i have to make huh? haha.
photo 3
it’s pretty different here. not too many people speak english and if you don’t speak spanish, you’re lost like me. can’t communicate so i’m finding things out the hard way. walked around for an hour before i found a decent place to eat. it was pretty good but i have no idea what i ate.
photo 1
cool little stands everywhere. super cool culture. i just wish i spoke spanish.
photo 4
fruits looking fresh, but my iphone photo looking blurry.
photo 2
every where i look, i just stop and stare. i’m learning that this country is nothing like any other country i visited before. it’s very interesting with very beautiful people.
photo 5
i checked into a room with 8 bunk beds. then i told myself, “there’s no way i’ll be able to sleep with 7 other people. so i go to a 4 bunk bed room. it’s going to be a very interesting and very long night tonight. i’m glad i have my earplugs and eye mask. i was planning to take a 18 hour bus ride up north tomorrow but one guy told me there is a big transportation demonstration strike going on. oh well, i’m stuck here for a couple of days so i’ll probably end up exploring this huge city of Buenos Aires.
no, this is not argentina. this is china. my sister and kelia are there now for the longboard championships. i wish i were there. good luck kelia! and thanks sis for the photo. keep me posted.
well, going to explore more, eat a big juicy steak, and do some tango. have a beautiful evening.
