Doctors on Call…


good morning. 7am on this chilly north wind aloha friday. waves looking terrible around the island. north shore is stormy onshore. town is bumpy from yesterdays south/west wind but there is some swell. shoulder high sets. the north winds are supposed to pick up today and if it does, the whole south shore will clean up and be pretty good. going to have a relaxing day. hope you have one too….

this is what my hand looked like 3 days after my surgery. that was a month ago. as things started to heal up, it was looking good. then a few days ago, it started to hurt again and it seemed like something was coming out. what??? yeah, the doctor forgot to remove a stitch…..

so after we went diving the other day, dive buddy dr. itoman offered to remove the tiny stitch that was embedded in the cut. pain all over again..

razor blade? flash light? mosquitos? back yard surgery….

i experienced the most pain in this past year than in my whole entire life…. thanks for the photo…

here’s something that will make my pain go away. the smile of my nephew noah’s little son noah…. kawaii…
