Miracle Man!!!!! OMG!!!!


i was doing a blog on the ferry heading to uraguay and couldn’t post it. here it is and don’t go away because i have miracle news!
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Argentina to Uraguay
wow, it’s only been a day i was in buenos aires but when i woke up this morning, i knew i had to get out. why? because the whole city was on strike. no airplanes, no busses, and pretty much no transportation. to make things worst, every single store was closed. nothing to do and even thought i already paid 2 nights at my hostel, i decided to give up my money and get out of the closed city. luckily i made some backpacking friends that told me how to get out. i jumped in a car, headed to the ferry port, and boarded the ferry going to a country i’ve always wanted to visit, Uraguay. i heard it’s a must see country in south america and if it’s a must see country, i must see it. so here i am on the ferry speeding over. i see a car with surfboards on the roof on this ferry. i get excited. can i surf? all i want to do is see the ocean! i’m finding out that big cities aren’t for me, i already miss the ocean and no matter where it is, i know i’ll be at peace when i get there. will be taking the bus at night but when the sun rises, i’ll be on the beach for sure.
backpacking is teaching me how to get along with other people. how to adapt to different cultures and mannerism. i’ve met wonderful people from all over the world and it’s cool to talk about traveling this huge world. i’m like a virgin compared to some of the people i’ve met. there is much more out there for me to explore and i’m getting excited. once a year, i’ll backpack for a month and i’ll go to places i’ve never been before. i’ll eat the food, experience the culture, and hopefully it will make me a more open person.
south america is so huge and i’m already thinking about where i’ll go on my next trip here. 9 days is way too short and i’m just trying to get in as much as possible. still have lots of places to go to on this trip so better get going. if you haven’t experienced this part of the world, you’re missing out. it’s just so different from south/east asia. some good, some bad. but one of the great things is the air quality is so great! fresh and clean! i’ll put together a full on backpacking guide when i get back to hawaii. there are so many things to know. i’m learning pretty fast and the most important thing is to “GO WITH THE FLOW!” gracias!
now for the miracle news. my longtime surfer friend dwayne was surfing sandy beach, hit his chin, was under water for a long time, somebody pulled him up, and he couldn’t respond. dwayne slipped into a coma. it was such a sad day for me because dwayne was such a good guy. then i get an email from yuko-chan yesterday saying “dwayne woke up!!!” what??? OMG! dwayne woke up from his coma after 2 weeks. that’s a freaking miracle! he’s talking and has a way to recovery but that has to be the greatest news of all. i’m tearing now as i think about how strong this surfer is. i was praying for him ever since then and my prayers were answered.
hey dwayne, you are a fighter dude! hearing the great news is like the most wonderful news of my life. i will see you in the water! keep on fighting, and keep on being so strong. i respect you!
