Good travel time


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when i get back to hawaii, i can give all kinds of advice on traveling to uraguay. i couldn’t have gone there at a better time. summer starts next week and i heard it gets crazy! thousands of tourists everywhere. worst than waikiki. if you want crazy, come then. if you want this beautiful country to yourself, come right before. i’m not the tourist kind of guy so this time was perfect. just a few backpackers and you could go anywhere at anytime.
when i took the walk around the cliffs, i freaked out when i saw the first seal sitting on the rock. it was so cool! then i sat down and watched them jump off and swim around. there were hundreds of them just enjoying the beautiful day. i was wondering to myself how cool it would be to be living like a seal. that would be a dream life huh? lay in the sun, eat abalone, and just do nothing. maybe in 10 years, i’ll retire and become a seal. haha.
there were shells every where i stepped on the beach. different ones than the ones we have back in hawaii. super sharp and if you don’t have slippers, you can cut your feet up pretty bad. i had slippers and i still got cut.
itai means ouch! a shell poked right through my thick slippers.
the country of uraguay is now one of my favorite. from the endless ranches, to the pristine beaches, uraguay has everything. driving up and down the coast is the highlight of this trip. the things i seen in 3 days blew me away. i’m definitely going back for sure. but next time, i’m renting a camping car, drive city to city, and surf. yeah, the waves were good too. i was bummed i didn’t have my surfboard. next time, i’ll surf this whole country with the seals. and if you want to know if there are sharks there? yes, when ever you see seals, there are huge great white sharks swimming right under them. this is nature at its finest. i love it!
