Christmas Swell Coming!


gosh, i don’t remember the last time it’s been so cold here in hawaii. for the past 2 weeks, the winds been chilly, and when i jumped in the water the next day i got back from japan, OMG! it was pretty cold. cold, but good cold. super refreshing and when the sun came out today, it felt awesome. but yeah, the winter weather is supposed to continue this week and next. it’s really feeling like christmas!
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and the waves on the north shore hasn’t been normal ever since the last day of the pipeline masters. but good news is the next north/west swell is coming right on christmas day. i’m guessing 8-10′ and good! thank you santa!
what a great idea? or not a great idea?
yeah, this is a great idea. i might poke a hole in my roof tomorrow and buy a bigger christmas tree. haha.
keep warm and keep smiling!
