Death Penalty, Firechickenman, and Chiba Surfers


did you know that there is a death penalty in japan? and did you know that they don’t tell you when it’s your time to die? yeah, they just come to your cell, take you away, and hang you. that’s crazy! so the death penalty inmates are asking the government to let they know at least a day in advance. i didn’t know inmates had any rights anymore? in hawaii, there is no death penalty. and i think that’s a reason why some people commit crimes. i can go on and on about this but i will stop. just live a clean life and treat everybody with kindness. thanks.
you think the japanese inmates have it rough? just imagine dying like this? this is thailands death penalty system. OMG!
this chicken saved his owners by making loud noises when the house was on fire. the owners woke up and ran to safety. smart chicken and lucky owners.
i surfed with the Harada-san couple a few weeks ago. i remember the waves being so fun and not too many other surfers out. we actually scored that afternoon. good surfing guys!!!!
hello Haruka-san, keep on surfing!
and Masayuki-san, keep on smiling!
last, since it’s the new year’s eve today, i hope all of you are thinking of your new years resolution. think about it, write it down, and stick to it!
