Happy Valentines Day!!!


good morning. first of all, wanted to wish everybody in japan a HAPPY VALENTINES DAY[:?????????:] hope you have a good one!!
it’s 6:30 am and it’s another chilly morning here in hawaii. the waves on the north shore came down but the conditions still look bumpy. south shore came down too but there are still chest/shoulder high sets with perfect conditions. it’s going to be another summer south swell day and i’m happy to be saving gas these past days. see you all out in the water. and for all of you i seen out bowls yesterday asking me about the photos, i’ll post them on go-naminori.com as soon as the waves get flat. and that might be no time soon because i heard there is another solid south swell on the way. go surf and enjoy life!!!
**if your a guy, bowls is one of the hardest places in the world to catch a wave. but if your a girl, it’s so dam easy. just wear your smallest bikini and smile at the boys. then take which ever wave you want. haha…

mito on a good one…

angela on one of the biggest wave of the day….

ayako getting ready to pull in…

and alyssa pulling out…
