Tube Master…


good morning. north shore is super junky conditions. north winds here to stay all day long. town is clean but super small. maybe a good day to dive? umm…. have a nice day and see you in the water…

i still can’t believe how good vland was 2 days ago. with all the photos i took, i can put together a 40 page article on just the 1 1/2 hours i was shooting. amazing shit!!!

when i see my nephews out surfing, i try to push them as hard as tony use to push me 25 years ago. i yell “GO” on waves that they might not make. and they GO!! that’s how i learned how to charge. and that’s how i hope they learn how to charge. when uncle is yelling “GO” from the channel, they better GO!!! here is one joshua wished he never went on…. haha… i posted this photo for a reason. i want joshua to see it, get bummed, get angry, and want revenge. next time, i bet you he’ll be in the barrel laughing….

no 12 year grom in the world is better than seth moniz at tube riding. from the take off, i can see him setting up for the tube. he stalls, he drags his hands in the face to slow down, and pumps his board making the impossible possible. this kid is fearless!!! look good and see the track in the barrel. that’s not from his board, it’s from seth dragging his hands to slow down and get deeper!!! deeper and deeper!!!

it was good to see megan abubo out there. i always liked her power surfing and still do. this girl throws more sprays that men. amazing surfer….
**once again, thanks for all the comments from all around the world about our new web mag. i forgot to thank all the people who has a photo in our mag. if it wasn’t for you surfers, this mag couldn’t happen. i got an email from a person who got a photo in the new web magazine. it was her first time in a mag and she was so happy. when she told me that her dream came true, i was sooooo happy. all the hard work and late nights were worth it. this is what go-naminori magazine is all about. i’m living out my dream every single day and if we at go-naminori can make other peoples dreams come true, it’s worth every minute!!! and also want to thank our sponsors and supporters. if it wasn’t for you too, our big go-naminori family and fans would just be a dream. but now that this dream is alive, i’m going to give my 110% to keep it going. you all make my dream come true everyday and not it’s my turn to make yours too… SURF YOUR DREAMS….
