good morning. 7:30 am on this sunny sunday morning. gosh, i was so tired last night from being on the boat all day yesterday. it was so sunny and hot!!! today is my last play day until my rough work schedule starts tomorrow morning. got a list of 35 things that i have to do before i leave so i’m starting at number 1 tomorrow at 5 am. but for today? going to enjoy my last vacation day before my brain starts to go crazy. hope you enjoy yours too!!
oh, as for the waves? laniakea looks pretty fun. chest/maybe head high and super clean. just watch out for those tiger sharks. town has a little small swell too. waist high and really fun looking. 10 guys out at bowls and 25 or so at the park. oh, got a text from my sister last night. isaiah, josh, and seth are all in the finals of the contest going down at kewalo’s today. everybody go cheer them on!! anyway, i’m shutting off my computer. have a nice day!!!
they call this in hawaiian “Moana Kale” or its common name, “Blue Goatfish.” moana kale is one of the most sought out fish in the ocean. they usually swim with one or more of them and sometimes even with a travelly. when i see them, my eyes open wide and my mouth starts to water. ever tasted these steamed? awesome!!!
here’s the trick on how to catch one of these. first, when you see them, look away. don’t even bother to see where they go. just take a breath and drop straight down. lay yourself on the bottom of the ocean, stir up some sand and wait patiently. they will tend to run away at first, but if you wait around long enough, usually they will come back to check you out. just hold your breath, don’t move, and don’t black out. and if you see a travelly swimming with it, let it go. travelly’s taste like rubbish compared to these fish. anyway, still down there? if you are, line up a good shot in the head, spear it, take it home, clean it, steam it, and have one of the best dinners of your life!!! good luck[:?????$B!x(B???:]
**how to cook a moana kale coming soon… just let me go catch another one first… haha…