Surfing Magazine Interview with Seth Moniz


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i sit down in my seat on the airplane, open up the new surfing magazine, and i get a big surprise!
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i flip the page and see my nephew! Seth Moniz getting interviewed by the biggest magazine in the surfing world industry. now the whole world knows Seth Moniz!
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one of the questions was:
Q: Your proudest moment in life?
A: Spearing a 20 lb. ulua in front of my brothers.
haha. that’s so funny because i was there. and if you looked how bummed out his brothers were, you would be laughing too. the youngest kid gets the biggest fish. haha. and it happened to be on his birthday.
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another question was:
Q: What is your lifetime goal?
A: To win a world title!
that made me happy seeing this young boy having such a big dream. when seth was 14 years old, i asked him what his dream was. he told me “i don’t know.” 2 years later, Seth is reaching for the top and i love it! yeah Seth, you can do it!!!
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then as i was eating my dinner, i was watching the movie “Chasing Mavericks.” it was freaking awesome! you should all watch it.
SH Cozumel
then jumping to mexico, i just got the coolest photos sent by Satoko. OMG! it’s been my dream to see a seahorse and that dream still hasn’t come true. someday i will and now i know where to go. see you in Mexico amigo!
another great photo from Satoko. nature from all around the world. you gotta love it.
