I'm so Happy!!!


good morning. day 4? going to have fun again!!!
as an uncle to isaiah and seth, i couldn’t be more proud. we all came here for an experience and an experience and a half is what we’re getting. we all had no clue there was even a contest. kimura-san invited us to bali, we came. made entered the 2 boys in the contest, they won. it’s a chain of people that made this dream for me happen. yes, i’m an uncle to these boys and when they feel happiness, i feel it too. and to see them shine here makes me tear. for the past 20 years, i’ve seen bali rippers bol and garut grow into fine international surfers. all along the way, i thought it would be a dream to see my nephews do the same. so here we are in bali. when the 2 boys stepped off the plane, nobody here knew them. now? everybody knows them. they represented hawaii with flawless surfing, and the upmost respect for the locals here. watching them carry themselves made me really proud. i’m so happy that i don’t even know what i’m talking about… anyway, we still have many more things to do and many more waves to ride so i better get out of here. but before i forget, i want to congratulate isaiah and seth moniz for an awesome display of surfing yesterday. the future is yours!!!

isaiah had 3 local indonesian rippers in the heat. he paddled out and surfed it smart. in fact, he killed it!!!

seth had an australian ripper, and indonesian ripper, and a japanese ripper named ryota. he went out and surfed a perfect heat. in fact, he killed it!!!

when ever i’m in bali, i feel rich!!! i’ll buy anybody a beer!!!

and when ever i’m in bali, i feel hungry!!! another great nashi champur!!!
