Yo Kirby….remember me?


**i hardly post the comments of the tons of email i get. i usually read it, say thank you, and stick it in a folder on my desktop. this one is different. a stranger to me named David Yi sent me an email a few years ago. he was telling me that i had the dream life and how his job wasn’t satisfied him. we kept exchanging emails for a little while and i haven’t heard of him for a long time. until the other day when i was surprised to get an email from him. it was a different David Yi, it was a whole new David Yi. here is the email i got from him…..
I don’t know if you remember me, but i wrote to you about 2 years ago.
you replied
“i went to college and thought that money was everything. that’s until i started traveling to third world countries.
since then, everything changed.
if you traveled to the outskirts of undeveloped countries, you will know exactly where I’m coming from.
your dream to get barreled on the north shore is a flight away. focus, think positive, and you can do it…”

I really took what you wrote to heart and quit my job at the bank after 3 years. I started to really appreciate what life was supposed to be about and tried to change my attitude about life.
Since then I’ve traveled to Korea, Thailand, Peru, and Japan. Ive hiked 30 miles to Machu Picchu, 25 miles to Half Dome, explored Bangkok, Lima, Kyoto, Tokyo, and a lot of other great places.
I hope you are doing well and enjoying life. I hope you know that your blog continues to brighten my day when I get a chance to catch up on it.

**he also attached these photos. what’s amazing is that i’ve been to most of these places. check um out…

**so here’s my response to david yi..
David, how’s everything going?
hey, it’s been a while since we chatted.
every since you introduced me to Jason Mraz and sent me the CD, i always listened to it and shared it with the world.
you knew he was going to get big yeah? good instinct dude…
anyway, every time i listen to Jason Mraz, i think of your kindness of sending that CD to my house. i thank you for that.
so, it seems like your living a dream life!! i’m stoked for you!!
i know you studied hard in college to get a job that will make you millions.
i did the same so don’t feel like it’s a waste.
i tell the young kids now days that if you have a great education, you can do anything you want.
the time will come but until then, enjoy life.
i’m glad to see your enjoying yours.
could you ever imagine sitting in an office and not experiencing the things you did in the past few years?
i wouldn’t trade a million dollars for my lifetime experiences. no dam way.
anyway, your mail made my day. or made my year. i’m glad you had the balls to take chances in life.
someday, i’m sure we will meet. but until then, keep the dream alive. hope to see you someday in a barrel at backdoor.
mahalo, kirby
