Ishidai or Knife Jaw….


i was playing the Wi game with the kids the other night at kimura-san’s house. there was a yoga game and it was pretty fun. nothing beats the yoga i do in the nature in hawaii but it was good practice….

a few people sent me emails asking how big yoron island is. it’s this big. actually 32 kilometers to circle the island. cool yeah…

and last, this is a ishidai fish i seen in a supermarket. the price was 9800 yen or $100 USD for one. i know a place in shikoku where there are lots of these big boys swimming around. give me an hour out there, and i’ll catch 10 of these. $1,000? wow, that could be my next job?

i speared this one a while back with my short pole spear. if you know how to hunt these fish, you will be surprised. you chase it, it will run away. if you wait for it outside its house, it will come out to see who’s there. pretty simple…
