Hawaii Car Auction!!!


good evening. wow, what a long tiring day. i went to surf bowls early in the morning and there were a lot of competitors practicing for the Hawaii State Amateur Contest that will start tomorrow. it was packed so i paddled down to kaisers and had fun. when i stood up on my first wave, i felt like a beginner. i couldn’t do a turn and couldn’t stay balanced. my mind was there but my body didn’t want to move. i think i’m too dam tired. i’ll try again tomorrow morning. hopefully, i’ll have a better session…

before i left on my last trip, i sold my car. so the first thing i have to do is buy is a car. i went down to the auction today to look for one. they had over 450 cars that was auctioned this morning. you have to be a dealer to get inside and bid for cars. luckily my friend louiz is the man. i went down there this morning, ate free food and drinks and felt like home. haha…
see that black ford explorer in the back? i was eyeing that one out all day…

i can’t believe how fast those guys talk. i was confused at first but started to understand what was happening. i couldn’t believe how cheap some cars were selling for. what happens is all the car dealers in hawaii go to the auction every wednesday to buy cheap cars, then take it to their lots and sell it for a lot more. luckily, i have friends….

it was my turn to bid for the car i wanted. i ended up losing to a guy that outbid me $500. that sucked…

then another car caught my eye. it ended up costing too much money so i had to watch somebody else buy it. that sucked…
i was there for over 3 hours this morning. when i left, i had nothing and was really tired and down. now i know how it feels for a kid to go into a toy store and walk out with nothing. that sucked….
if anybody knows where i can get a good car from, please let me know. thanks….
