TSSC Gallery on Go-Naminori


yesterday was just another great day of surfing in shikoku. the waves were small but the smile were big. i’ve been coming to this contest for the past 20 years and is part of my surfing history. the people are nice, the vibe is good, and i always have a great time. check out some of the photos i took from yesterday. competition, friends, and challenge.
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happy surfer boys.
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a magic board will change your life! cool, quality, and magic!
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japanese surfer girl.
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pioneer class legends.
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off the lip.
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Yassan on the right, Satoshi Kubota on the left. i’ve known these guys for the past 21 years.
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Bob-san winner of the pioneer class division.
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judges. what’s up Matchi!
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these 2 girls came to hawaii a few years ago and since i couldn’t guide them, i had Kelia Moniz do it. these are 2 lucky girls.
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sharing is caring.
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judging is a hard job, but these guys are the best.
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friends, surf, and smile.
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over 160 competitors. TSSC does a great job on organizing this contest every year!
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Hinako and Kaito Kurokawa, japan’s surfing future.
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full gallery coming on go-naminori tonight.
i just got off the internet and figured out where i’m going. it’s going to be 4 days of exploring and i’m looking forward to it. no plans, no hotel, and no information. just going to backpack it and go with the flow. hopefully take some nice photos and meet some nice people. see you all on the 21st at the yokohama Love Hawaii event!
