Street Food: Just Try It!


it’s 1am in the morning and i can’t sleep. too hot in my room, too much noise of people partying outside, mosquitos everywhere, and slept too early. yeah, i slept tonight at 7pm. haha. just so tired from moving all around the place. had a very interesting bus ride here, and a very interesting boat ride too. but as soon as i jumped into the pristine clear water, i was reborn! been eating street food here and there and haven’t had a complete meal yet. i’ll have to wait until i get back to japan for that. well, i’m getting bitten all over my body by mosquitos sitting in the dark restaurant now so better get going. good night again.
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i have no idea what i’ve been eating. just look at it, point to it, and eat it. sometimes i think that i’m crazy.
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i stocked up on water for the long bus ride. it was so packed and these 2 kids sitting in the back of me kept on playing with my hair. the whole way!
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now this is my favorite! i love corn, and so do my chickens!
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fresh roasted peanuts straight from the street vendors.
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the bus i rode was actually pretty good. air conditioned, free wifi that didn’t work, and movies on the tiny tv.
as i sit here all alone in the dark, i’m really missing japan and hawaii. traveling is cool, but it always makes me realize that japan and hawaii are the best places in the world. i’ll enjoy my last 2 days here trying to find something to do. maybe jump to another island, or swim there. mabuhai!
