Calabarzon means "Express"


good morning for the alive city in manila. gosh, i was walking around all day yesterday evening eating all the yummy street food. some things i didn’t even know what it was but it was delicious! 5am now and going to head to the airport. might get on, might not. wish me luck!
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i’ve been studying some filipino language. Calabarzon means express bus and good thing i knew that. if i didn’t, it would have taken me 7 hours on the regular bus. this one only took me 2.
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remember i told you about the 2 kids sitting behind me in the bus making trouble to me? well, there they are. one was throwing things at me, and the other was pulling my hair. and this went on for over an hour!!! their parents didn’t do anything and i wasn’t too sure what to do. haha.
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third world counties really make me think. the poverty is so bad here and i’m just hoping it will get better. seeing this makes me very fortunate for everything i have, and everything i don’t have.
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when i got out of manila on the bus ride, the coconut trees, banana trees, and blue sky made me excited. i thought i was back in hawaii!
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i sure learned a lot on this trip. learned how to get around on the transportation system here. learned how to get ripped off too. i almost got into fights with taxi drivers because they were trying to overcharge me. imagine yelling at each other in different languages. he couldn’t understand me, i couldn’t understand him. after i got out of the cab, i was laughing to myself. but no, i will never give in to getting ripped off!
gotta get going. have a wonderful day and see you in yokohama!
