wow, i’m really happy to be back to japan. had a fun trip to the philippines and i’m ready to work! people ask why i go on these short trips? well, first, to enjoy. second, it’s my vacation. and most importantly, it resets my mind. once i go back to hawaii, i will be 100% focused on my job. i think i will be more happier than my customers when we go surfing. it will make me want to work harder, make me want to live healthier, and make me want to enjoy life a lot more. i can’t wait for that!
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last night, there was a little bbq festival near my hotel. i ended up eating a little bit of everything. pretty cool to see so many local people enjoying the hot manila night.
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these drinks are pretty good. sweet, cool, and refreshing.
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then you have the bar setup. can you believe i only drank a total of 5 beers the whole 3 nights? for some reason, i wasn’t in the drinking mode on this trip. plus, a jack and coke cost $10. no thank you.
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flying standby is stressful, well, only if you let it get you stressed. i’m used to it and just go with the flow. if you get on, great. if you don’t, it was never meant to be. the flight was overbooked and sold out but i still waited in the standby line. when i got to the airport, they told me there was only 1 seat available. 30 minutes before departure, they called my name! yeah! and to top it off, i got a business elite class flat seat all to myself.
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then once i got back to narita airport, i bought my favorite yama imo soba. so good!
well, the awesome love hawaii event is coming up this saturday and sunday. gonna enjoy that, then back to hawaii on monday to get back to my life. a life i love!!!!
