Love Hawaii Collection Day 1


i woke up at 6am, stepped outside in tokyo in winter weather with a tshirt and thin jacket, walked 15 minutes to the train station, took 3 trains to yokohama, got off, and was half frozen. it was so cold today!!! but once i walked into the building that hosted the love hawaii collection, i warmed up super fast! it was such an amazing day!
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first, i want to thank each and every one of you who came to out go-naminori booth. so many people stopped by, old friends and new friends. it was so good to see so many people who love hawaii so much.
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i watched the hula show for a little while and couldn’t believe how many hula dancers were here. the stage was non-stop from morning till night. i’d say there were over 400 hula dancers today.
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there were so many people at the event. it was my first time and i really enjoyed it. so many people came from all over japan to say hello to us and i really appreciate it. want to thank everybody for stopping by, and want to thank all my friends that came to hawaii to surf with me. it was really good to see you all!
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want to thank the Fujiki-san couple for driving all the way from Aichi prefecture to the event. i really enjoy surfing with you in hawaii and can’t wait to see you in june. thanks for the wonderful gifts!
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fresh strawberry mocha from Aichi. it’s the first time i tried it and it was amazing! our team each had a piece after dinner and loved it.
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this is how it looks from the outside.
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and this is how it looked from the inside. thank you again Fujiki-san for coming, and thank you for the wonderful strawberries!
i have many other photos and memories from today so i better start downloading them. it’s already after 10pm and tomorrow will even be a longer day so i better get to sleep. hope you have sweet dreams and hope to see more friends tomorrow! oyasuminasai!
