Japan Surf Culture


photo 1
i had a super fun time in japan. jumping in a car with friends, meeting up with others, and taking a long drive together on a little surf trip. it’s japan surf culture and i’ve been doing it for the past 21 years. you really get to know one another pretty well, forming a surfers bond. check out Kosei-san’s Benz Camping car. i wish i had one too!
photo 2
the first time i rode a ferry was on this very same one to shikoku 21 years ago. i couldn’t sleep because i was so excited from the new experience. i remember telling myself, “wow, japan is amazing!” and till this day, i still think the same thing.
photo 3
what do you do in the ferry? work! me? i sleep. Naoka, Kosei-san, and Inomata-san working hard while i fell asleep right after i took this photo.
photo 4
then our campfire on the beach. after this trip, i realized that i really miss these surfing trips in japan. so this year, i’m going to focus on doing a few with my friends. i can’t wait till typhoon season!
