Kiku, Morocco, Cookies!


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i was so happy to see Kiku-chan at the event in yokohama. hey Kiku-chan, i can’t wait to go back to sendai to eat cow tongue. keep on smiling and see you soon! We Are One!
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and thank you Kiku-chan for the cookies you got from your friend in kugunuma. 7325 Coffee makes awesome sugarless cookies!
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with a happy face! makes me happy!
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ok, now i’m a little jealous. my younger brother is traveling the world. yeah, he started off in argentina and is now in morocco. i always wanted to go to morocco!!! then he will be making his way around europe and the middle east in the coming year. that’s a true backpacker! maybe i’ll get my backpack ready and meet up with him somewhere. i always wanted to go to the middle east too. visit iraq and see how the war is coming along. omg!
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this is the sahara desert. i want to surf that sand!
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and i want to ride a camel too! what a lucky guy!
