good morning. gosh, i’ve been so dam busy recently. yesterday i was in the sun all day long and when i got home in the evening, i told myself “kirby, you deserve a day off.” so today, i’m taking a day off. no computer work, no photo shoots, no surfing, and no answering phones. so if you have to contact me, call me tomorrow. have a nice day!!!
yesterday i finally went back to my healthy lunches. grilled chicken/avocado/tomato sandwich with pumpkin cream soup. it was so good!!!
i was at sandy beach all morning yesterday. there were these 2 guys picking something off the reef. do you know what it was? by the way, sandy beach yesterday was paradise. gosh, the most under rated beach in the world….
kelia has her own gang of girls. they hang out, they surf, they eat, and they play together. every one of these girls have their own personality and style of surfing. i will introduce them one by one….
by the way, i heard kelia’s going to have an interview in the next Surfer Girls Magazine coming out at the end of this month. stay tuned as i give you more information as it nears!!!
meet joy haynes. joy is a 13 years old long boarder. her mom’s pure japanese which makes joy half. she speaks fluent japanese and by her looks, she will go pretty dam far in this world. watch out for joy!! by the way, i heard joy’s mom use to be some japanese actress. honto? i met her yesterday and she seemed really nice… i have a pretty good eye when it comes to “talent and looks.” most times, the people i think will become popular become popular. joy is one of them. stay tuned…..
oh, joy is sponsored by Pualani Swimwear….