Backpack Overnighter!


live the moment? yeah, why not? that’s my life. there was an important event in tokyo last night that i really wanted to attend. but work, and other things made it impossible when i was thinking about last week. but if there’s a will, there’s a way right? so i wake up yesterday morning and rearrange my schedule a little. take the girls to the beach in the morning. we snorkeled, picked shells, and ate acai bowls. i drop them off, pack a backpack, jump on the harley, and speed down to the airport to try to make the 12:40pm flight. yeah, it’s golden week in japan so good luck getting a flight kirby.
photo 1
riding the harley on the freeway is an awesome feeling! the wind, the fresh air, and the adrenaline. i get to the airport from diamond head in 18 minutes, which is my record. park it, run to the gate, and barely make my fully booked flight. i get my business elite flat bed seat, put on the headphones, and watch 2 movies and take a 2 hour nap. i wake up, and i’m in narita!
photo 2
ok, i land at 4:21pm and the train i have to catch is 4:44pm. i was sitting in the front of the plane so i was the first one off. i run to the immigrations, great, no line! it takes me 2 minutes. i bypass the baggage area and go straight to the customs agent. he asks me “where’s your luggage?” i say “it’s on my back.” he looks at me weird and asks “how long will you be in japan.” i say “one day.” he asks “why?” i say “because i have to be somewhere at 6:30pm so please hurry and let me in.” i run to buy the train ticket at 4:42pm and barely make it in the train as the doors close. an hour ride and i was in shinagawa.
photo 3
welcome back to tokyo! i love this place, especially the food!!!
photo 4
i jump in a taxi, i give him an address but the drivers eyes were bad so he couldn’t read it off my phone. i turn on my google navigation and tell him where to go. i arrive at the final destination on time at 6:11pm.
like always, had a great time, but because it was a private event, i didn’t take photos.
now it’s 8am, i’m going to eat tokyo ramen, do some small shopping, and head back to narita airport. see you back in hawaii tomorrow. the waves should be awesome!
