Free Diving: A Friendship Sport


good evening. wow, today the waves were super fun! i paddled out this morning and was planning to surf for an hour, but i had so much fun on my new board that is stayed out for so long. i’ve been experimenting with all different kinds of boards for different kinds of waves. i’m pretty confident on which board works best on any given day. and that’s the reason why i’m having so much fun surfing!
then i came home and retuned up all my guns because guess what? next week will be no wind and small waves. perfect for diving!
and speaking about diving, here are more photos from yesterday.
photo 1
the east side is usually super windy and junky because of the normal tradewinds. but once the winds blow from the south, the conditions pristine! yesterday was pristine, today was ugly, and next week will be pristine all week long.
photo 2
it’s so fun watching the kids progress into men. all these kids use to do was hang out at the beach all day long surfing and finding things to do. sometimes good, sometimes bad. but now, if the waves are junk, they go diving. it’s a great way to keep healthy, happy, clean, and out of trouble.
photo 3
on our first dive, Kyle took his pole spear and disappeared for an hour. when he came back, he had a stringer full of delicious kole that some of his friends requested. i took some too and gave it to the homeless guys down at the beach. they were soooooo happy!
photo 4
the only troublesome part of diving is cleaning up. wouldn’t it be nice if you can just come in to the harbor where your driver is waiting for you in a limo? then your assistant washes up and takes your boat home? then when after you take a shower, your chef cooks all the fish you caught? OMG, i better stop dreaming. haha.
photo 5
like i say all the time, free diving creates a special bond that is too hard to explain. your dive partners are your lifeline. one day you could be saving their life, or they could be saving yours. and when you can put your own life in another persons hands, you just have more and more respect for that person. these kids will learn about the ocean, about catching fish, about nature, and about friendships. what more could you ask in any sport? Go-Freedive!
