Big Sharks in Hawaii….


good evening. went down to bowls this morning to check out the waves and surprise, surprise, bowls had some little fun ones. had a really fun session and was glad to get in the water. north shore was really junk today so a lot of my friends came to town. ran around getting things done in town, including setting up my new gun. and in the news today, microsoft is making a bid to buy yahoo for 44 billion dollars. why? to get bigger and compete with google. gosh, how everybody wants to be number 1….

nothing like shirasu, natto, and miso soup for lunch…. ummmmm……

and wanted to let you know that nothings changing here in hawaii. wind and rain for the next 5 days…. same old shit…..

and last, there are so many sharks in hawaii. they are all over and we just don’t see them. but if you go diving, you’ll see them all the time. check out this 12′ shark swimming in 5′ deep water. i took this photo while on the way out for a dive a few years ago. just another big boy….
