Hawaii First Swell: Big Ala Moana Bowls!


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i pull up to ala moana park yesterday morning with butterflies in my stomach. i just knew i was going to surf overhead waves and get barreled. big rights is my favorite spot on the south shore once it gets over 4′. i park my car and get ready in the dark. first swell of the year? oh yes!!!
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can you believe there were “no parking” signs all along the park? i bet you a hundred of surfers cars got towed yesterday because i came in at 8:50am and there were still so many cars there. 9am was the cut off time and i know the cops will be there in full force. anyway, had a great session at big rights. got a few barrels, seen Gen get the barrel of the morning, and had fun talking and catching up with my friends. i love being in the water!
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then i pass by bowls and it’s going off! 50 hungry surfers fighting for every wave that came in. no thank you.
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on the small days, you can see the lonely red buoy kind of far out in the channel. that red buoy wasn’t too lonely yesterday. i’d say 10-15′ faces at bowls.
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and when the deep channel closes out, you know it’s big. it wasn’t a day for boats to go in and out.
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i surf dawn patrol for 3 hours. then jump on the harley and head to the airport. board my flight, buckle my seat belt, and fall asleep like a baby. 9 hours later, i’m in tokyo. got up now at 4am because of jetlag, eating breakfast, getting a massage, then heading to the airport and boarding a flight to hokkaido! i’m going to learn something from a totally different world today and i’m looking forward to it. have a beautiful day!
