Family Archive Photos….


good morning. 7 am and fun waves in town. small but really clean. sunny and no wind. i’m going to go shoot today and hopefully get a cover shot. see you in the water!!

some people ask me why i do so many blogs and why i post so many photos. it’s pretty simple. i do blogs because this is like my journal. i know when i get old, i will forget. i already do. haha. but my blog will be with me forever so i can always look back and reminisce. as for photos? to me, photos are priceless. whether i take it or not, photos like these are priceless. i know for a fact that my sister and kelia don’t keep things like this. they probably are just depending on me so i’m the one who has to borrow these photos off websites and archive it. when kelia gets to be my age, she will look back at these photos and be glad i have them. then she can finally say thank you. haha…

remember the date AUGUST 14TH 2010. it’s a big party in shonan and kelia will be there!!! hope you can all stop by. more information coming soon!!!

before kelia was small so she had the technique but not the power. now, she’s getting bigger and her surfing is getting more powerful. power and grace? can’t beat that… by the way, this is called hanging 10.

hang 5!

cross step! the girls make this look so easy. last time i was playing around long boarding, i tried this and fell flat on my face. it’s pretty hard…

i skyped kelia last night. she was in spain waiting for a train or something. i was asking her how she felt about her result. she told me “good.” but i could see in her eyes that she was a little disappointed. then we started talking about our japan trip and she’s really excited. 3 weeks more and we’ll be touring japan!!! can’t wait…. kelia, good job and have a safe trip home!!!
