Zippy's Chili Burrito Please…


when i was in high school. we use to drive our vw’s around town racing and making trouble. then on the way home, we always stopped by zippy’s and ate the burrito with chili. that was 25 years ago and i’m still doing that till this day… back then, it was two dollars something, today, it’s $5. boy how do times fly…

hanging out with the kids make me feel young. that’s why i hang out with the kids….

these are like my 3rd’s. or should i say throw away photos. now you see it, now you don’t….

i actually threw this one away but alyssa wanted it so i had to go back deep and look for it. it’s actually a not bad photo…

and last, check out that poster in the back. guess who took that photo? haha….
