Dream Chiba, Explore, Costco Berries


my friends have the coolest lifestyles. take Hikaru for example, she just built her dream house in chiba. on top of the green mountain overlooking the waves. everything built top quality and designed perfectly. seeing my friends living their dreams makes me feel like i’m living in mine. happiness is the key to success and the more happy people, the more success! congratulations Hikaru on your beautiful house.
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and this hammock with a view. i’m definitely going to take a nap there next time.
Fujiki-san is a really nice guy. so kind, so caring, and so polite. i always have a great time surfing with him. shaka Fujiki-san!
once in a while, Team INA and i go surfing different spots. why? to better ourselves. each spot has different waves, different winds, different currents, and different locals. we learn new things everyday and that’s the fun part of surfing. step by step to become a better surfer. if you don’t go, you don’t know!
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sometimes i see some pretty classic cars in hawaii. this one is classic.
ok, now over 40 people in america got hepatitis A from eating the frozen berries from costco. including 5 people in hawaii. what happened was a farmer in turkey didn’t wipe his butt after he went to the bathroom, then returned to work picking berries with dirty hands. then a batch of berries got contaminated and nobody knows which batch. so if you eat these delicious berries, you might, or might not get hepatitis. how do you know? you will start showing symptoms a few months later. and is hepatitis curable? no! OMG!
