Surfing with Carissa Moore….


good evening. huge waves on the north and west shores today with the high surf warning posted. stayed in town and surfed with the super kids again…..

we pulled up to kewalo’s and the waves were going off!! only 2 guys out with off shore shoulder high perfect waves. we surfed for almost 4 hours straight. super fun session….

kairi is one of the cutest kids i’ve ever seen. 8 years old and his whole surfing life ahead of him. kairi has so much energy and is always amping out. kind of like me. haha. he surfs good already and his level of surfing is just going to go up and up….

we were surfing kewalo’s for about a half an hour then guess who comes paddling out? yeah, carissa moore. i think reika freaked out when carissa paddled out and said hello to everybody in japanese. then she caught her first wave, did a huge snap throwing her tail out, then did a power backside 360. carissa was surfing really good and is going to be the one to beat at the roxy pro next week in australia. gosh, i’m glad i had my camera to get this photo….

kota is another one of the cutest kids i’ve ever seen. at 9 years old. he’s going to be the sleeper. he doesn’t talk much but you can see his determination when he surfs. i pushed him into a big set today and he charged it. well, he had too…. and half way through the session, some other surfers board hit kota’s head. he was holding his head and crying. i paddled up to him and asked if he wanted to go in. he nodded “no”. then i asked him if he wanted to go back out and surf. he nodded “yes”. so surf we did…. tough kid….

and last, meet the parents… i think it’s an awesome thing when parents support their kids in what they love to do. for these kids, it’s surfing. and to have your parents stand by you and support you 100% must be an awesome feeling. starting from the left is kaori mayaguchi’s mom, next is kota iida’s mom, then taking the video is kairi and reika noro’s mom, and in the back is grandma. i give you mothers credit in what your doing for your kids. keep up the support….
