Atlanta BBQ Pork and Chicken?


the last time i got stuck in atlanta on the way back from mexico, i did a blog and forgot to post it. here it is:
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i was walking around at 9pm last night to eat dinner and it was still lighted outside. i was so hungry and was looking for a good meal. a few guys at my hotel told me that Joe’s is the best!
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so i was really excited to eat a very good american meal. i just wanted anything except tacos! so i start off with a corona and wait for my bbq pork and chicken meal.
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this is what i got served! OMG!!! it was the worst dinner i’ve eaten in years! i ate 2 bites, payed $25, and left very disappointed. i’m really homesick now.
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the only thing that kept me happy was my bed last night. i just wish i didn’t have to get up at 5:30am to go to the airport. wish me luck to get home! it’s going to be along day of traveling again.
