i always carry my camera with me on trips. but when the waves are good, i usually choose to surf instead. so i hand my camera to somebody and they can play with it. it’s actually pretty fun shooting with top of the line equipment and seeing the results. Kimura-san turned fisherman to cameraman. check out his photos from taiwan.
shaka Emily!
i like the localism in taiwan. everybody is so nice and friendly.
stay behind the yellow line. it’s safer.
this is one of the coolest shots Kimura-san took. i’m down on the beach read to jump in. then he zooms back to get the nuclear plant in the background. yeah, this is taiwan’s version of fukushima. i was actually a little nervous surfing right out in front. nuclear scares the shit out of me.
my first wave.
my first off the lip.
my first cutback.
my first snap. good job Kimura-san for not missing a shot!
Keith at home.
Kimura-san missed Keith’s best wave. bummer. but the cool thing about this trip was actually surfing with Keith. he surfs so good and has a really smooth style. and being a super nice guy makes him an all around perfect example of how a surfer should be.
the paparazzi. busted!
a photo with karaoke queen Emily.
surf check.
Tinmei, Emily, Anan of taiwan.
hey Kimura-san, great job on the photos! i’m super happy you documented such a great time that morning. just hanging out with the locals and enjoying the simple life was so relaxing. it was just the vacation i was looking for. we will go back right? eat good food, surf good waves, and sing karaoke all night! haha.